Disclosure of pending sale

Listing as Per Google and 
pending sale December
15,2019. No offers can be  taken
by Zykar past December 14, 2019
no published offers can be made 
other than this disclosure.
$ 24,000. 

Google updates on December 10, 2019

themorethemerrier.com was registered on July 22, 1999 and is associated with Zykar Inc. It is registered at Godaddy

A total of 740 associated domains were identified with this registant name.

The domain is hosted on, located in US – OR – Boardman, which is the host for 1,088 domains.

We have over 10 historical whois records for this domain going back to December 6, 2011.


Disclosure of Pending Sale $24,000, removed from Godaddy auction 2018. All rights of ownership are with Zykar Inc. Registered July 1999 and leased for $9,000 annually since 2000 until Zykar 
cancelled in 2018.

Russell Karaviotis has not solicited this domain name personally.
Any and all other offers that were and are pending via proof of e
mail. and confidentiality of those e mails will be disclosed by e mail
to the general public by 12 midnight December 14, 2019.
Zykar has the right to sell or lease this domain name and first 
right of refusal then ends and is Zykar rights again.